What do you expect from the drug rehabilitation centre in Pune?

rehabilitation centre

When you are thinking of joining a Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune for a loved one, you might have questions like how? If you are able to attend the rehab facility on the weekend and what people in rehab do on a daily basis. But drug and alcohol addiction programs are structured and scheduled. Most programs include individual and group therapy, specific activities, support groups and time for reflection.

How does a drug rehab centre work?

Most drug rehab programs follow a similar procedure when you first enter therapy. These steps include:

  • Consumption, which is the process of thoroughly assessing your medical, behavioral, and social background, which helps to determine the best course of treatment.
  • Detoxification, which is the process of removing certain harmful substances from the body, especially if you have ever used alcohol, opium, or benzodiazepines. Detoxing involves medical supervision while withdrawing from substances to prevent complications and stabilization.
  • Admission to an inpatient or outpatient program

What are the types of therapy commonly encountered in a drug rehab centre?

Although there are different types of drug therapy programs, there are many differences in the treatment approaches. But most programs have a few common methods.

Individual behavioural therapy teaches coping skills to reduce the likelihood of recurrence. The guidelines also address a number of issues in your life, such as employment, legal issues or family conflicts, to solve problems that may impair recovery.

Group therapy includes peer support as part of the recovery process and group therapy can be combined with individual therapy.

Family therapy is an essential component of the Drug Rehab Centre. Families can be helpful in the role of providing ongoing responsibility and support while you are in treatment and recovery. Family members can also learn to avoid behaviours that help treat dyslexia and substance abuse within the family.

What to expect after the rehab?

When you are ready to leave the drug rehab centre, there are aftercare services that can help you maintain your recovery. Post-treatment care has been shown to help prevent relapse in people at high risk and increase the chances of recovery in the long term.

  • Outpatient treatment can help strengthen coping skills to avoid relapse.
  • One-on-one consulting where you can get ongoing assistance to maintain your recovery process after rehab therapy
  • A sober home that can provide a structured, drug- and alcohol-free environment to help facilitate your recovery.
  • Medication management, which can help meet psychiatric needs, such as medications for depression or anxiety. To help prevent relapses, drugs for substance use disorders can also help people maintain recovery.

When you ask how long it takes to recover, it is important to note that everyone is different. The answer to this depends on a number of factors, such as the severity of the substance use disorder, mental health and physical health, among others. Your stay in rehab may be shorter. They last from 28 to 30 days. Some programs are designed to last for 60 days or 90 days, while others are 6-12 months or longer.

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